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Reunion Giving


Our Legacy Gift
Time SensitiveReunion Giving Update
Reunion/Class Gift Deadline: Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 2:00
February 6, 2021
Dear Sistah Golden Girl,
     We have some awesome news for you!  Spelman has informed us that the $2Million Match commitment by Spelman trustee, Ronda Stryker and Her husband, William Johnston in close to being unlocked.!  If your act fast with a gift to the Spelman Annual Fund (i.e., an unrestricted gift to the college), your gift will be doubled until the matching funds are exhausted.  Here's the really cool part: you will receive recognition at the level of your doubled gift. For example, if you give $500, you will be given credit  for a $1000 gift and will be a member of the President's Society.  Warning: of the $2 Million Dollar matching fund, there is less than $500,000 left, so you must act quickly. This does not change our goal of $10,000 donation by each classmate who can do that, but it means that she would get credit for a $20,000 gift, if her $10,000 is given between July 1, 2020 and the date that the match is exhausted.  Don't lower your personal goal, just amplify your impact with this match.  Even if you can only give a part of your gift now, DO IT!!
     If you are giving by check, put "Annual Fund Class of 1971" in the memo, but as long as you do not designate a specific use, whether you pay by check or online, you are fine.  Gifts marked for the museum, glee club, or a scholarship count as part of the class gift but do not qualify for this match.  See the chart below showing giving levels.
     Lets take advantage of this crazy good opportunity to increase our class gift exponentially!!  Hello, Ladies!!!      Do  IT NOW!! When it's gone, it's gone!
     Love and Blessings,
     Bernadette (404-786-0661) and Yolande
Spelman Class of 1971 Giving To-Do List:


  1. Contact Doris Pierce Hardy at Spelman ( to confirm your gift total from July 1, 2016 to today

  2. Set your personal goal for your Golden Gift ($10,000 if at all possible)

  3. Begin to work your plan for a one-time or monthly gift (Doris Pierce Hardy can help with this:

  4. For a planned gift or gift from an IRA or retirement fund, contact Shenika Swan at 404-270-5323 or and speak with your attorney or tax advisor

  5. Put the deadline dates on your calendar (April 23 for planned/IRA/retirement fund gift and May 14 for other gifts)

  6. Celebrate yourself for your generosity in paving the way for Black women long into the future!!



Hey There, Golden Girl!

      Yes, it’s true.  We are the ones we hoped to be - mature, well-preserved, dignified and ready for our close-up as we march through “The (Virtual) Arch” and put the  “va-va-va-voom” in Zoom. We have stories!  We have lived lives that we never could have imagined!  We’ve soared and fallen and kept it moving.  We share freely of the wisdom we have gained, but we are still learning and open to what the future might bring.  And, if we hadn’t known it before, the last eight months have taught us plenty about what’s important and what’s not. You won’t find us taking life or people for granted.  We thank God for the journey and cherish every moment that makes us smile.  It’s a wonderful time to be a member of the Spelman College Class of 1971!!!

     Now what do we do with all of this Golden Girl awesomeness?  What more can we do to show gratitude for God’s gifts and the sacrifices of those who came before us?  What can we do to prepare the way for those who will follow?  We can give!

Our Goal

      Sisters, we’ve been talking about it; now it’s time to be about it.  As a class, we decided to strive for a Golden Girl reunion gift of $10,000 from every class member (cumulative gift from July 1, 2016 to May 14, 2021). Some will give more and some will give less, but let each of our gifts reflect our very best effort and the most generous gift we can possibly make. 

How to Give

     There are multiple ways to make your Golden gift.  Some sisters have been donating annually or monthly with the $10,000 goal in mind.  Sincere thanks and congratulations to them!!  For the rest of us, it’s time to make a plan and work that plan.  First, preferably today, contact Spelman to receive the amount you’ve given since July 1, 2016. Subtract that amount from your goal amount to give you your remaining gift balance.  

     If you have not made any gifts since our last reunion and want to give $10,000 in monthly increments, the amount would be $1,429 per month beginning in November and continuing through May.  You would make a similar computation based on your remaining gift balance divided by 7 (e.g., $5000 = $715 per month).

Others might choose to make a one-time gift for your remaining gift balance. Cash (which includes check or credit card) must be received by May 14 at 2 p.m.  It would be very helpful if you could make your gift well ahead of the deadline so we can know our status and resolve any discrepancies. 

     Planned gift options include direct distribution from an IRA (possible favorable tax treatment), bequest in your will, designation of Spelman as a beneficiary, or partial beneficiary, of a retirement account or life insurance policy, gift annuity (minimum of $10,000; Georgia residents only)  All of the details of planned gifts must be fully documented with Spelman by 5 p.m. April 23, 2021 to count towards our Golden Girl Reunion Goal. Note: This date is earlier than the deadline for cash gifts.


Every Gift, Large or Small, Matters

     While we hope that everyone will work towards the goal of $10,000, please remember that every gift counts regardless of size.  Don’t hold back because you think your gift is too small.  Remember, class participation is also a category for Golden Girl recognition, so every gift counts!  Finally, recall that we missed the recognition cut-off in 2016 by only $320.  If 16 additional classmates had given just $20, we would have reached a recognition level. Just as every vote counts in the election, every gift counts for reunion, and every gift is honored and appreciated. 


As your Spel-Agents, we would love to hear from you, especially if you have questions or concerns or to chat.  Thanks for all your do for Spelman!


Bernadette Weston Hartfield




Yolande Owens Whitney 



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